Various variations for storage of things we meet constantly - from lockers in schools and educational institutions, to complex systems of storing archival vintage works of fashion houses.
Customer: Rocket Bank
Design: Kirenkov Gleb
Engineer, installation: Egorov Oleg
Project Description:
It was proposed to place open wardrobes in two rooms of the Rocket Bank.
The first wardrobe was to close one of the two passages between offices. The second is to stand by the wall.
On the right is a 3D concept model of the first wardrobe.
The main levels of the storage system are:
- top for accessories: hats, bags and other various small items.
- medium level: pipe-rail for clothing, which hangs on hangers.
- lower level: shelves for storing shoes, with a system for draining and cleaning dirt and moisture.
The first two levels are classical and universal.
The lower level is more interesting, since it has inclined shelves made of a sliced metal mesh. At the bottom of the shelf there is a tray, which is filled with moisture from the shoe and taken out by the cleaner for cleaning.